Tuesday 2 September 2008

Tree Rats - update

OK, so the wily little ####s are squeezing behind my net construction into the greenhouse, locating the nicest looking tomato and making an artful exit. I bound the net to the greenhouse more firmly but they can still manage to squeeze through. My neighbours must think I'm a bit weird swearing at and threatening what appears to be an empty greenhouse. Next step filling a juicy tomato with rat poison a la "Danny, the champion of the world"? I probably don't have the heart. Probably...


The domestic novice said...

Oh goody. Looking forward to jointly dealing with that. Have tagged you over at my blog for something fun, Mr P!


Unknown said...

If not poison, how about tranquilizer. When the little bugger wakes up give him a stern talking to. Not likely to eat any more of your veg after experiencing an up close German tongue lashing.