Saturday 9 May 2009


I am in the middle of a particularly stressful time at work. I am in California with a huge quantity of deliverables in a rather short space of time. At times, this can get on top of me and today was one of those times. However, a couple of events made me think. I have to have a demonstration working in a few days and the facilities with which I have been furnished to build this demo are limited to say the least. In an uncomfortable situation, with the possibility of failing to deliver for the first time in my life, I was starting to panic a little. That was, however, until a friend queried why I was struggling down a futile path when there was a perfectly viable alternative that I already had in hand. When stressed, it is not uncommon for people to suffer from a little tunnel vision – thinking the path they are treading is the only possible path. Being given a simple element of perspective by an uninvolved party is immensely powerful and has potentially allowed me to reclaim at least some of my weekend. This event and a frank conversation with an old friend, colleague and mentor have encouraged me to look at things a little differently. Instead of getting hung up on the things I find tough, stressful or uninteresting, I need to massage them into things that play to my strengths. Easy to realise when not in the “heat of battle” but I shall endeavour henceforth to keep a level head and always try to employ an element of perspective.

Sounds like a bit of a counselling session doesn’t it? Well, I am currently in the self-help capital of the world!

Happy weekend…

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