Monday 6 July 2009

Anthropomorphism and me

Can't remember, nor can I be bothered to search through my previous posts to find out, whether or not I have mentioned that we have a hedgehog frequenting our garden. He usually spends his evenings snuffling around my compost bin, which he seems to have broken into, but we saw him for the first time rather close to our back door, some 130 feet from his usual chomping-ground. I haven't verified whether or not this is him but I love this video too much not to link to it:

However, the purpose of this post is not to inform you of yet another creature that will be leaving little presents around my garden. The purpose of this post is to inform you that I have named this little guy Horace. This is not the first thing in my garden I have named, very far from it. And I have no idea why I do it. All parakeets eating from my feeder are called Percy, all the damn tree rats are called Terry, my Mahonia is called Mahendra, my Agapanthus is called Agamemnon, even the houseplants have names. And it doesn't stop with names, they have personalities and characteristics too - well the animals do, not the plants, that would be stupid! I have started to wonder if there was some strange childhood influence that makes my first thought to anthropomorphise each new creature I encounter. Any psychologists out there...?

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